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All the courses are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self-reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.
This session will review the integumentary system and look at the process of wound healing from a paramedic perspective.
In this webinar, we discuss all things paramedic health and well-being from a multidisciplinary approach.
An overview of pharmacology concepts that describe how drugs move through the body and what the body does to drugs
This discussion will focus on systematic assessment, treatment principles and risk stratification for the pre-hospital health provider.
Let’s unpack some of the latest research to help guide our clinical practice to better understand the presentation/phenotypes, who is at risk of poor outcomes, and who surprisingly does well!
This panel discussion will explore aspects of pharmacology, both theoretical and practical, that paramedics need to be doing better.
In this session, panellists will discuss and challenge aspects of paramedic practice that are ingrained and perpetuated – but not necessarily evidence based.
This presentation will delve into how decisions are best documented in the PCR